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Afterwotk with Drunkbeard - Imperial Pastry Sour Pineapple Mango Vanilla - 44cl

Regular price €6,80

Tax included

34 in stock

It's snack time with our friends from Drunk Beard! After their trip from Switzerland, we needed something delicious, thick, comforting, and ultra-fruity... something to bring some sunshine to your taste buds, if it's not in the sky! Let's relax and enjoy!

Food pairing: Japanese cheesecake

Music pairing: Colors - Black Puma

Technical information

Style : Imperial Pastry Sour Ananas Mangue Vanille
Alcool : 8.0%
Malt(s) : Pilsner / Blé (DE)
Houblon(s) : Barbe Rouge (FR)
Levure(s) : Lachanceae / English Ale (BE)
Ajout(s) : Mangue / Ananas / Vanille (IN-FR)
Dry Hop : Aucun
Spécificité process : Fermentation mixte

Bière - contient du gluten et du lactose
Prix au litre : 15.45€

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