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Mama Whipa - White Hazy IPA - 44cl

Regular price €5,50

Tax included

112 in stock

On grapefruit and exotic fruits, refreshing with all the same the body brought by the dry-hopping (cold hopping). The bitterness is discreet but present.

Food pairings: Charcuterie and cheese platter to share or grilled cod bones, quinoa, lemon beurre blanc

Technical information

Style : White IPA
Alcool : 6.0%vol
Malt(s) : Pilsner / Blé
Houblon(s) : Citra / Amarillo
Levure(s) : East Coast Ale
Ajout : aucun
Dry hop : 6g/L
Spécificité process : double dry hop

Bière - contient du gluten
Prix au litre : 11.14€

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